
Expereince Life in Alignment!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Natural Skin Care - Green Tea & Rose Hip Skin Spritz & Toner

Keeping skin radiant and youthful looking depends on providing your body with the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids and hydration it needs to stay in superior health. Your skin will be the first to let you know you are deficient in any one of these needed nutrients. You have completely new skin every 35 days. This new skin is built by the nutrients you bring into your body through food but also by the nutrients your skin absorbs on a daily basis. You can help create beautiful new skin by supplying your skin with all of the nutrients it needs to create healthy glowing skin. 

One of the most important nutrients for keeping youthful, radiant skin are antioxidants. Antioxidants repair and prevent damage to skin caused by oxidation. Oxidation occurs as free radicals attack health cells. Free radicals are created in the body through toxins, unclean air, the sun as well as normal metabolism. Oxidation is a natural process and the way organic material breaks down and recycles itself. Oxidation is aging, the gradual breaking down of cells. When it comes to our skin, we want to slow oxidation and prevent as much of it from occurring as possible. This is what will keep the skin in a youthful state. Antioxidants block the effects of free radicals or in essence slow the process of aging. Antioxidants also protect your skin from the damaging effects of pollution, toxins in body care products and sun exposure. Applying antioxidants directly to the skin helps to slow the effects of aging and protect skin against damaging effects of all kinds.

Dehydration is another key area to keeping skin healthy and beautiful. Dehydration is to blame for many skin problems including scaly or taut skin, superficial lines and premature aging. Over 98% of the population is dehydrated. This is because we don't bring enough pure water into our bodies, but also because the water we do bring into our body is used to neutralize the overwhelming amount of toxins most of us have circulating around our bodies. The body uses water to flush toxins, so the more toxins in your body the less water available for your skin. In 2009 the CDC estimated that each of us has at least 212 toxins lodged in our tissues and circulating around our body, many of which are carcinogenic. That equates to a fairly high toxic burden and the need for more water to neutralize and flush these toxins daily. Your skin also becomes dehydrated by many of the skin care products used on a daily basis which overly dry the skin. Harsh chemicals, unnatural ingredients and toxic chemicals wreak havoc on the skin causing it to dry many layers deep. Hydrated skin is soft, pliable and has a healthy glow. Dehydrated skin sags, wrinkles and look dull. 

This homemade natural skin toner helps to hydrate and provide the nutrients the skin needs to be healthy, radiant and youthful. This toner combines the best natural ingredients to give you that natural glow. Lemon is high in vitamin C & B. Lemon helps to diminishes age spots, reduces scars left behind from acne and is an antibacterial, helping to prevent future breakouts. lemon also reduces oiliness and softly exfoliates the skin removing dead skin and making skin smooth and bright. Oranges tighten pores, improves skin texture and color and restores collagen helping to keep the skin firm and youthful. Green tea is super high in antioxidants which rejuvenates skin cells and works to reduce aging of the skin. Green tea also neutralizes UV rays, protecting against sun damage and working as a natural sunscreen. The anti-inflammatory properties of green tea reduces redness, giving the skin a even tone. Rose hip oil is one of the best things you can use on your skin. It's benefits are numerous but include helping to heal any skin marks such as acne scars and old scars and dry skin and eczema. Rose hip helps to hydrates the skin, repair damaged skin cells, rejuvenates dry, mature and aging skin and reduces and prevent wrinkles.

This skin toner is easy to make, inexpensive and works for all skin types. It can be used as a spritz throughout the day to hydrate skin in the warm and cold months and to freshen up the look of your skin throughout the day. These are fresh ingredients so should be kept refrigerated, created in small batches and made fresh a couple times a month.

Green Tea & Rose Hip Skin Spritz & Toner


1 c Organic Green Tea made with Distilled Water

5 drops Lavender

5 drops Rose Hip Oil

Juice of ½ Organic Lemon

Juice of ½ Organic Orange


Brew the green tea for 20 minutes. 
Squeeze the lemon and orange juice through a strainer. 
Combine juice, brewed tea, lavender and rose hip oil in a blender. 
Blend on low speed for 2-3 minutes
Pour into a spray bottle and spritz on skin after cleansing and throughout the day to freshen skin. 
Keep refrigerated

To keep skin, and your entire body, healthy, radiant and youthful it is recommended that you cleanse your body several times a year. Raw Vitality utilizes raw foods, fresh juices and healthy lifestyle practices to cleanse and rejuvenate your body and skin. To learn more please visit Raw Vitality's web site at:

For personalized skin recommendations and products please contact Align directly. 

Align Holistic Health & Well Being, LLC

A Place Where Health is Transformed


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