Standing in your local produce section, looking at both an organic and conventional apple, you may not see any difference, so how does organic produce really differ from conventional produce?
How Organic Food is Different
Organic foods are completely free of all chemicals, including herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, larvacides and food additives, all of which are toxic to all living beings, including our animal friends, and our planet as a whole. Currently, there are over 100,000 synthetic chemicals in commercial use in our food supply. More than 400 chemical pesticides are routinely used in conventional farming and residues remain on non-organic food even after washing. Pesticides, herbicides and food additives have all been linked to numerous health problems, including cancer, nervous system disorders, birth defects, alterations in DNA, liver, kidney, lung and reproductive problems, weakened immune systems, allergies, hyperactivity in children and neurotoxicity resulting in poor concentration and reduced mental functioning and clarity. One class of pesticides, endocrine disruptors, may be responsible for early puberty. These poisons are especially harmful to small children and their developing bodies. The Environmental Working Group found that every day 1 million U.S. kids, under the age of 5, will consume unsafe levels of pesticides which are known to harm developing brains and nervous systems. In fact, by a child’s first birthday the combined cancer risk of just 8 pesticides, commonly used on 20 foods your child may have eaten, will exceed the EPA's lifetime level of acceptable risk. Children take in a greater quantity of foods relative to their size therefore take in a greater quantity of poisons. Chemical poisons are more toxic to children's bodies than they are to a matured adult body because children's organs and systems are still developing.
The process of combining chemicals poses an even greater health risk. A powerful synergistic effect has been observed when toxins are combined. The Journal of Food Sciences published a study showing the exponential harmful effects of combined food chemicals. In the study, three different chemicals were each tested separately on rats with no harmful effects immediately noticed. Then, two of the chemicals were combined and the health of the rats was observably diminished. Finally, all three chemicals were combined and all of the rats died within 2 weeks. This is a startlingly study, in light of how many chemical combinations are used in and on our food supply. Conventional produce is frequently treated up to 20 times, with a combination of toxic chemicals prior to being eaten. Over 400 chemicals are regularly used in conventional farming to kill weeds, insects and other pests that attack crops. For example, Cox's apples can be sprayed up to 16 times, with 36 different pesticides. What is the combined synergistic effect of 36 chemicals, versus just the three combined that killed the rats within 2 weeks? We do not know because these studies have not been done, but can theorize the effect is extremely harmful.
Toxic chemicals used in conventional farming methods don't only end up on the food we eat, but also in the groundwater and air, effecting all living beings who share our planet. The effects of pesticides have been specifically observed in the bird community. Birds exposed to pesticides display chronic symptoms that effect their behavior, reproduction and nervous system. Exposed birds lost weight, had an increased susceptibility to predation, decreased resistance to disease, showed a lack of interest in mating and even abandoned their nestlings. When we buy and support conventional farming with our dollars, we not only bring harm to our body, but to those we share this planet with, the very same creatures we are supposed to be caring for.
Organic food are also not genetically modified. Under organic standards, genetically modified (GM) crops and ingredients are prohibited. Genetically-modified foods (GM foods) have made a big splash in the news lately. The term GM foods or GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) is used to refer to crops created for human or animal consumption using the latest molecular biology techniques. These plants have been modified in a lab to enhance desired traits such as increased resistance to bugs. One of the most famous uses of GM techniques is by Monsanto to include their toxic pesticide Roundup. The conclusions of a recent study deemed "the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide

Roundup on rats," found that eating genetically modified corn (GM corn) and consuming trace levels of Monsanto's Roundup chemical fertilizer caused rats to develop horrifying tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death. Scientists found that rats exposed to even the smallest amounts, developed mammary tumors and severe liver and kidney damage as early as four months in males, and seven months for females." The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) position paper on GM foods states, “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GMfood,” including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. They conclude, “There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation,” as defined by recognized scientific criteria. “The strength of association and consistency between GM foods and disease is confirmed in several animal studies.” When GM soy was fed to female rats, most of their babies died within three weeks—compared to a 10% death rate among the control group fed natural soy. The GM-fed babies were also smaller, and later had problems getting pregnant. When male rats were fed GM soy, their testicles actually changed color—from the normal pink to dark blue. Mice fed GM soy had altered young sperm. Even the embryos of GM fed parent mice had significant changes in their DNA. Mice fed GM corn in an Austrian government study had fewer babies, which were also smaller than normal.
Organic food contains much higher levels of essential minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and chromium, then conventional foods. Conventional foods are severely depleted in essential minerals because they are grown in pesticide and nitrate fertilizer treated soil. Both the UK and US government statistics show that levels of trace minerals in non-organic fruit and vegetables fell by up to 76% between 1940 and 1991. This is because of the way conventional foods are grown.
Organic plants are innately more healthy, require less water to grow, and have a higher water content. This is also because of the soil in which they are grown. Organic soil is just plain healthier soil. Soils with a high organic matter content, grow plants with better plant structures and water holding ability. The soil of organic crops is much more loose and porous, allowing plants to absorb water and nutrients better, especially during rain storms. Rain water is more easily absorbed into loose, porous soil. This translates into less non-rain water needed to water crops, and a higher mineral content overall, because rain water has a higher mineral content over irrigated or tap water. Rain water is actually very important to our health, and something most of us don't get enough of due to modernized growing methods. One mineral component of rainwater, MSM, is especially needed by the body and something many of us lack. Sunfoods, an organic and raw food supplier, defines and describes the benefits of MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) as a naturally-occurring form of dietary sulfur found in fresh, raw foods and rain water. Sulfur is the most abundant element in the body, after calcium and phosphorus, and is a vital mineral needed by the body for normal structure and function. Sulfur makes up protein and convective tissues throughout the body, and is therefore important for joint health. It also helps enzymes perform their important catalytic functions, supports liver function, promotes cardiac health and protects us from oxidative stress, helping to prevent cancer. MSM is found throughout nature, but is most notably a component of rainwater. We used to get MSM into our body by eating foods watered by rain water, but conventional farming methods utilize irrigation watering methods or foods are grown indoors in greenhouses, leaving us with no contact with rain water. When rain water is absent from our diet our bodies are left lacking in bio-available dietary sulfur.
Organic foods have higher levels of nutrients across the board, including vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, fiber and phytonutrients. A major study at Rutgers University found organic produce has an average of 83% more nutrients. The soil is extremely important to the overall nutritional content of the food grown. Organic soil slows the degradation of organic matter, which produces a slowly mineralizing pool of nutrients. This makes the soil plants grow in rich in minerals which they then absorb into their plant structures. The Soil Association conducted a systematic review of evidence, comparing vitamin and mineral content of organic foods, and found organic crops had significantly higher levels of all 21 nutrients, including 29% more magnesium and 21% more phosphorous. Organic soil is also naturally high in beneficial bacteria, also called probiotics which your body needs in order to have a healthy immune and digestive system. One teaspoon of compost rich organic soil hosts 600 million - 1 billion helpful bacteria, while one teaspoon of chemically treated soil, hosts as few as 100 bacteria. A study commissioned by the Organic Retailers and Growers Association of Australia found, conventionally grown fruits and vegetables had ten times less mineral content than organic produce. In February 2003, a study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry, found organic berries have up to 58% more antioxidants than conventionally grown berries.
The roots of organic plants grow deeper into the soil, in part due to how loose and porous organic soil is, allowing them to more effectively and efficiently take up nutrients. A 2-year study from Washington State University published in September 2010, compared organic strawberries to their conventional counterpart. The study found the organic strawberries had significantly higher concentrations of vitamin C, and the soil had more micronutrients and living enzyme activity over the conventional strawberries. Nutrition specialist Virginia Worthington reviewed 41 published studies comparing the nutritional value of organic versus conventional fruits, vegetables and grains and concluded organic vegetables provided the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, while conventional vegetables did not.
Antioxidant activity levels and essential fatty acid contents have both been found to be higher in organic foods as well. In February 2003, a study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry, found organic berries have up to 58% more antioxidants then conventionally grown berries. Antioxidant activity in foods is vitally important to long term health, disease prevention and radiant aging. The essential fatty acid content is higher in organic foods also, as concluded by an article published in Coronary and Diabetic Care in the U.K. in 2004. EFA's are critical for cardiovascular and nervous system health, as well as soft beautiful skin and hair.
Organic plant foods are also more alkaline. Foods grown conventionally are grown in acidic soil, which in turn makes the foods more acidic. Acidic soil is created by the chemicals used on plants. A 21-year field trial initiated by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture in Switzerland, found organic farming enhanced soil fertility and biodiversity while helping avoid soil acidification. Too much acidity from food, throws your internal pH out of balance and makes your body more acidic, which results in an internal environment conducive to disease, obesity, and chronic pain. Acidity also decreases your overall energy and vitality.
While you may feel you are saving a few bucks in the checkout line, you are definitely short changing your body of the nutrients it needs to maintain your health and well being when you don’t buy organic. In addition to not getting as many nutrients, you are also taking in toxic poisons. Is it worth it to you, to take the risk of you and your family's health and the health of all other beings we share this planet with, to save a few dollars in the check out line for conventional foods? A price cannot be put on your child's brain, your nervous system or your husband's reproductive system.
But is it even true that you are really saving anything by buying conventional produce over organic?
Does Organic Food Really Cost More

PCC Natural Markets reports:
“The cost of conventionally grown produce doesn't reflect the hidden costs of the factory farm model — of lost biodiversity from a shrinking seed supply controlled by a few companies, of soil eroding more rapidly than nature can rebuild it, of drinking water polluted by chemicals, of dead zones in oceans caused by runoff from excessive fertilizers, of deaths from food borne illness each year, or of other medical costs from eating the results of it all. Worldwatch Institute reported that the price of meat would double or triple if the full costs — fossil fuel use, groundwater depletion, chemical pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions —were included.”
In 2006, Live the Organic Life conducted a supermarket study comparing the cost of organic versus conventional produce, and found the cost of organic foods over conventional produce was minimal.
Cost of Fruit
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$4.49 – 3 lbs.
$3.99 – 3 lbs.
$4.49 – 16 oz.
$3.99 – 16 oz.
$4.99 – 4 lbs.
$4.49 – 4 lbs.
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$1.59 (Difference in Organic vs. non-Organic Fruits)
(Wait for Organic apples & strawberries to go on sale – Quite often they do)
Cost of Vegetables
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$1.99/3 lbs., .89/lb.
$1.89/3 lbs., .89/lb.
Only .70¢ Difference between organic and non-organic Vegetables
While costs vary per region, you can be sure you will spend more money on organic foods shipped from far away regions. Stick to organic produce that is in-season that is from your local community and your pocket book won't suffer much in the short run. In the long run, you will be miles ahead by the amount you save on doctor's visits, prescription drugs and sick days. The more healthy you shop and eat, the lower your grocery bill will inevitably become anyway. When you give your body the nutrients it needs, the less it needs to consume. You can eat 2,000 calories and still feel hungry if the food you eat has been processed and lacks all the essential nutrients your body needs. You body will continue to send out hunger signals until it receives the actual nutrients it needs, not just the calories it needs. Meats and cheeses are the largest bulk of most anyone's grocery bill. A standard block of natural cheese in my area costs about $7. Two whole pounds of organic tomatoes only cost $6. I can use two pounds of tomatoes in almost every meal I make for over a week, and won't clog my arteries or intake damaging hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals in the process, as I would with the block of cheese. Cutting meat and dairy out of your grocery bill ends up saving you more then you could ever save by just choosing conventional over organic foods.
While conventional produce may seem more cost effective, if you are getting up to 80% less nutritional value, conventional produce is really highly uneconomical. Five servings of organic vegetables provides your recommended daily intake. This means it could take 9 or more servings of conventionally grown vegetables to get the same recommended daily intake. How cost effective is that? In addition, when you eat conventional produce, you are slowly poisoning your body with toxic chemicals, the environment and all other beings we share this beautiful planet with. Can you really justify not buying and supporting organic foods and growing methods?
For tips on how to save money while shopping organic see 5 Simple Ways to Save on Eating Well.
Candice Marley
Holistic Health Practitioner, Holistic Nutritionist, Master Herbalist & Wellness Coach
This is an excellent in other words the perfect & truthful post regarding Organic Food Products .It is helpful to remove all doubts regarding safety & price of Organic Food Items .