Around here, we are just beginning our Raw Vitality Fall Cleanse ( I always look forward to cleansing because it allows me to reset, refocus and purify both my life and body. Purity is not something easily found these days. We have created a toxic world. The habits we have all become accustomed to: quick, convenience foods; commercialized farming methods; transportation methods; and commercial personal care and household products all contribute to a toxic environment externally which creates a toxic environment internally.
It is estimated there over 20,000 toxic chemicals in the water we drink and 4,000 toxic chemicals in the air we breathe. There are over 70,000 chemicals currently produced in North America alone! Our food supply is one of the most toxic, with 3,000 chemicals added to foods and over 10,000 chemical solvents, emulsifiers and preservatives used in food processing. But toxic chemicals don't just make their way into our body through our food supply. The inside of your home has been shown to be the most toxic place on the planet! From personal care products filled with hormone mimicking man made chemicals, to cleaning products, to lawn and garden chemicals, to bug sprays and insect repellents. We are constantly dousing our skin and assaulting our airways with the toxins we have grown accustomed to. Ever notice that burning inside your nostrils or down your wind pipe as you clean your shower? Yeah, that's not good! The CDC estimates there are at least 212 toxins lodged in each of our body's and circulating throughout our systems, many of which are carcinogens, or cancer causing.

Pesticides, herbicides and food additives have all been linked to numerous health problems, including cancer, nervous system disorders, birth defects, alterations in DNA, liver, kidney, lung and reproductive problems, weakened immune systems, allergies, hyperactivity in children and neurotoxicity resulting in poor concentration and reduced mental functioning and clarity....just to name a few! ;-) In 1987, The National Academy of Sciences concluded that in your lifetime, conventional foods will cause more than a million additional cases of cancer. Poisons are especially harmful to small children and their developing bodies. The Environmental Working Group found that every day 1 million U.S. kids, under the age of 5, will consume unsafe levels of pesticides which are known to harm developing brains and nervous systems. In fact, by a child’s first birthday the combined cancer risk of just 8 pesticides, commonly used on 20 foods your child may have eaten, will exceed the EPA's lifetime level of acceptable risk. Children take in a greater quantity of foods relative to their size therefore take in a greater quantity of poisons. Our kids are important to us so its important that we keep their environment and correspoinding their bodies safe. So what can be done?
Here are the 3 top tips for purifying your life...
Commit to Swap All Toxic Household Chemicals for Green Versions
Take a peek under your sink and in your garage and get a perspectrive on how many toxic cleaning chemcials you are currently using in your home. Lawn and home care products contain a laundry list of toxic chemicals. Just pick up a bottle of any of them and attempt to read the ingredients list! You may think these chemicals are harmless but that is just not the case! Children in homes where household and garden pesticides are used, have a sevenfold greater chance of developing childhood leukemia. Beyond creating a toxic environment inside your home you create a toxic environment oputside your home when you flush those chemciclas down the drain or into your community's ground soil. Seventh Generation is a company I just love. Their mission is to inspire a revolution that nurtures the health of the next seven generations through their green products line. Most all of their products can now be found in most every grocery store and while their products may be a little more expensive then their dirty chemical 99 cent competitors, the cost is relative. Are you willing to pay to create a pure environment or save to create a toxic one?
Check Your Personal Care Products
Personal care products come with a host of toxic chemicals which are absorbed through your skin, the largest organ in your body! The Environmental Working Group states that on average, adults apply 126 unique ingredients on their skin daily and nearly 90% of those ingredients have NOT been evaluated for safety by any publicly accountable institution. Personal care products come with a whole host of known toxic chemicals like mercury, lead and many neurotoxins. Seeking out products that are organic and not tested on animals is the best way to ensure you aren't contributing to a cycle of toxicity and suffering in your body and world around you.
Eat Organic

By just focusing on these three areas you will a HUGE step forward in purifying your life and creating better health for you, your family and our entire planet!
Candice Marley
Holistic Nutritionist, Holistic Health Practitioner, Master Herbalist & Healthy Lifestyle Coach
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