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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Natural & Holistic Ways to Promote Brain Health & Longevity

November is National Alzheimer's Awareness Month. If you have known anyone with this diseases, you know it is not something anyone would want or wish upon anyone else. The slow degradation of mental function is frustrating for the individual experiencing the mental loss and for those around them, especially caregivers. This disease's number one risk factor is age, meaning the longer you live the greater your chance for getting Alzheimer's. Oxidation is the process that causes brain cells to degrade. Oxidation is a natural byproduct of healthy metabolism, but we live in times when oxidation occurs much more rapidly then our body can keep up with. Toxins from the air we breathe, water we drink, foods we eat and even our own stress cause a more rapid oxidation of all cells, but most especially our own brain cells. The oxidation of brain cells over time causes them to age and function less optimally until eventually they become so sick they can no longer function at all. Alzheimer's is of increasing concern because of just how rapidly the rates of this disease is increasing. Alzheimer's is expected to double in the next 15 years and current pharmaceutical drugs show only marginal benefit. The reason Alzheimer's rates are increasing so rapidly is in direct proportion to how much more toxic our environment is becoming. To stop the progression of this disease and how many of us will get it it is important to look to prevention and finding ways to prolong healthy brain longevity while decreasing activities that cause more rapid oxidation of brain cells. 

Here are some great ways to promote brain health and longevity naturally:

Focus on the 3 Fundamental Pillars of good health

Diet, sleep and lifestyle are all fundamental to achieving a state of mental wholeness and balance. All three of these promote longevity not only in your mind but also in all other areas of your life. In short a balanced life brings you the greatest health and it is no different for brain health. 

Eat Pure, "Intelligent" Foods 

Eat foods that are natural and pure for their full health benefits. When foods are as close to their state in nature as possible, that's when they deliver the most potent nutrition. Foods that have been genetically altered, processed or refined in any way have much of their natural intelligence stripped from them.

Maintain Healthy, Balanced Nutrition

Grains, beans, legumes and fresh fruits and veggies provide nutrients for the brain. Sweet juicy fruits are excellent cleansers as they help flush toxins out of your body. Freshly juiced fruit and veggies juices deliver nutrients quickly to your mind and body. Healthy fats are also important. Coconut oil specifically is nervous system and brain health promoting. 

Lots of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are what slow, reverse and prevent oxidation of cells and are therefore crucial for continued effective functioning of the brain. Recent research showed that blueberries are powerful brain food, primarily because of their antioxidant value. Free radical scavengers vitamin C and E are potent antioxidants as well as other antioxidants and herbal blends such as Protandim that turn on the body's own detoxification and anti-oxidant processes. 

Manage Stress Levels

A calm mind, serene and centered experiences greater levels of of focus, attention span, retention of knowledge and problem-solving skills. It is important to manage stress before it becomes a severe problem because stress has been known to damage or destroy brain cells. Stress is so toxic it can age your body by more then 32 years! Deep breathing, exercise and yoga are all great ways to release stress from your body. 

Get adequate, quality sleep 

Many of us are plagued by a lack of deep, restful sleep. One of the biggest impacts on your sleep quality is your stress levels. When stress is retained in the body it can really mess with your sleep cycles. Aromatherapy can be helpful. You can try a blend of lavender, chamomile, jasmine and sweet orange, or just plain lavender. Inhale the herbs deeply or even rub them lightly on your pillow. 

Use It or Lose It!

No matter what your age or your occupation; your brain needs to be constantly challenged to be at peak performance. Whether it's doing logic puzzles, memorizing lines from Shakespeare, or learning a new skill, exercising your brain to keep it in good shape.

Reduce Your Exposure to Toxins

We have created a very toxic environment. Most everything we use or eat is filled with toxic chemicals. Body care products, make up, shampoos, toothpaste, household cleaning products, lawn and garden products, non-organic foods, tap water and even the air we breathe is filled with these chemicals. Toxic chemicals cause oxidation inside of our body, so the greater your toxic load the more oxidation and cellular aging your body is experiencing  Switching to organic products and foods is one of the biggest steps you can take to minimize your toxic exposure risk. Cleansing your body regularly is also an effective way of reducing accumulated toxins and oxidation. 

The proactive approach is the best way to prevent any type of brain disease or degradation. No pharmaceutical drug will ever be able to take the place of natural, holistic proactive steps. You are in control of your health, you are the one that will determine if Alzheimer's effects your in later life or not. Take control of your health today!

Candice Marley is a Holistic Health Practitioner, Holistic Nutritionist, Herbalist & Wellness coach who helps people all over the world create vibrant health, greater energy, radiant beauty and a lifetime of health without disease or pain through natural ways of eating and balanced, holistic lifestyle practices. She uses a combination of natural ways of eating, balanced lifestyle practices, holistic living strategies and wellness coaching which excels at creating vibrant, lasting health in people just like you! In fact, most people report feeling higher levels of energy and greater health within a week of their first appointment. You can download her free special report The 5 Top Tips for Creating Vibrant Health at www.alignholistichealth.com

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