
Expereince Life in Alignment!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why You Should NOT Get the Flu Shot

It is not a coincidence that just as we all head back indoors at the end of the summer, cold and flu season hits. During the summer we get a tremendous amount of exposure to health promoting sunlight rays and spend lots of times outdoors, in the fresh air. Once we head back indoors, our exposure to healthy sunlight rays is greatly decreased and we spend time inside, breathing the same old circulated air. Both of these lower our immune system and leave our body more susceptible to germs. You may think that getting a vaccine will help protect your body again these invasive germs, but in reality you aren't. It isn't germs that make you sick, it is the health of your body that is making you sick.

Sheldon Cohen, a psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University conducted a study to see if stress played any part in the role of getting sick. Cohen and his colleagues deliberately infected volunteers with the cold virus. Cold virus germs were taken and sprayed into the nasal tissue of the study participants. Study participants were asked prior to being exposed to the virus how much stress they were currently experiencing in their lives. Twenty-seven percent of the least stressed, and fifty percent of the most stressed came down with the cold virus while the others did not, even though they were directly exposed to cold virus germs. This study was intended to show the effects of stress on the immune system but further showed that some people, quite a lot in fact, did not get sick even though directly exposed to germs. If germs were the cause of health symptoms, then we would expect to see 100% of these study participants come down with the cold virus, but that was not the case, in fact a whopping 50-73%, depending on the level of stress currently being experienced, did not get sick. How is it that anyone could be directly exposed to germs yet not get sick? That seems to go against everything we have been taught and believe.

This study is a good real-life example of Louis Pasteur's famous last words, "The germ is nothing, the soil is everything." Louis Pasteur was a famous chemist, microbiologist and the founding father of the Germ Theory who shocked many when his final words on his death bed went against everything he had worked his entire life to prove — that all sickness was created by an outside invader, the germ. What Louis Pasteur's final words indicated was that it is not the external environment, the germ, that dictates health or sickness, but rather the internal environment, the health of the body. When the internal environment is healthy then seeds of sickness and disease are unable to take root. This is exactly what Sheldon Cohen's study seemed to indicate as well. There was something about the body of 50-73% of the study participants that caused them not to come down with the cold virus while others did. All the study participants were exposed to the exact same germs yet more then half of the participants were not infected. What this shows is that it is not germs from the outside that make us sick, rather it is how healthy our body is that determines whether or not we will get sick. When the body is not healthy, seeds of sickness are able to take root, grow and flourish. Yet when our body is healthy it is able to prevent germs from taking root.

The Problem with Vaccines

Vaccinations are a controversial topic. For those in the natural living and health fields, it is counterintuitive to inject the body with foreign contaminants in an attempt to trick the immune system into doing its job. It goes against the fundamental premise that the body is intelligent enough to heal itself and will heal itself if given the right tools and building blocks.

Currently we see vaccines being dispensed with no medical oversight or caution. You can walk into your local drug store and be injected on the spot by a pharmacy tech with no rhyme or reason other then to sell a vaccine. It has been found without question time and again that there are many adverse side effects, especially for children and their effectiveness is scantly supported. Even on the CDC's web site it states, "How well the flu vaccine works (or its ability to prevent influenza illness) can range widely from season to season and also can vary depending on who is being vaccinated. During years when the viruses in the vaccine and circulating viruses are not well matched, it’s possible that no benefit from vaccination may be observed. However, even during years when the vaccine match is very good, the benefits of vaccination will vary across the population, depending on characteristics of the person being vaccinated and even, potentially, which vaccine was used."

Strengthening your immune system is what prevents germs from turning into a sickness inside of your body. A vaccine can do nothing to make your body healthier, and in fact, in many instances can be harmful to your health.

Reasons NOT to Get the Flu Shot

Here are just a few reasons we recommend NOT getting your flu vaccine:

  • A scientific study published in The Lancet reveals that influenza vaccines only prevent influenza in 1.5 out of every 100 adults who are injected with the flu vaccine (1)
  • Neurological problems due to nerve damage after vaccination are a fairly common adverse event with flu vaccines. In 1976, there were more cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome reported after vaccination than there were confirmed cases of Swine flu. (2)
  • The Sanofi-Aventis flu vaccine known as "Fluzone" is causingfebrile seizuresin children, said the FDA According to the FDA, 42 cases of seizures have been reported in children receiving the Fluzone vaccine. Most of the children suffering seizures are under the age of two. (3)
  • A study published in the Cochrane Systematic Reviewconcludes: "Evidence for the safety and efficacy of influenza vaccines in the over 65 population is poor, despite the fact that vaccination has been recommended for the prevention of influenza in older people for the past 40 years." (4)
  • You may not even get protection against the intended virus. Why? First, because viruses change over time. The piece that was in the vaccine may not 'look' the same (chemically) as the real thing (months later, after all!). Second, the vaccine may not have given you enough stimulation to fight off the disease.
  • There is no single virus that causes the flu; there is no one flu vaccine that protects against all of them.
  • The vaccinated population has a much higher rate of infections than the non-vaccinated population. For example, research shows that vaccinated versus unvaccinated children suffer:- five times more asthma - nearly three times more allergies - over three times more ear infections - over four times more apnea and near miss cot death - nearly four times more bouts of recurring tonsillitis - ten times more hyperactivity
  • Vaccinated children also have 317% more ADHD, 185% more neurologic disorders and 146% more autism than non-vaccinated children. (5)

Although the flu germ is powerful, your body's own natural defense is much more powerful. If you keep your body healthy and work toward creating a strong immune system, even the nastiest bug isn't to fear!

Watch later this week as I write about how to naturally strengthen your immune system....

Candice Marley

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