Although you probably know your calendar age, the inside of your body may be a completely different age, your biological age. Specific lifestyle practices can cause your body to age more rapidly decreasing your longevity and increasing your incidence of health symptoms. Dr. Michael Roizen, Author of the RealAge series, gives some great guidance on reducing your RealAge (biological age). We take some of Dr. Roizen's advice and add our own holistic twist with these:
Even a small amount of exercise can make your calendar age nearly five years younger. Two 15 minute walks per day can make a dramatic difference in your health. Walking after dinner can aid in digestion, improve sleep cycles and greatly reduce stress.
Laughter reduces stress, strengthens the immune system and can make your calendar age as much as eight years younger! It also makes your life alot happier! So get laughing!
9 Simple Steps to Increasing Your Longevity
Stop Smoking and Avoid Second Hand Smoke
Smoking biologically ages your body by at least eight additional years beyond your calendar age. Smoking is toxic, includes carcinogens and increases the rate of oxidation of your cells. Quitting smoking can be difficult so seek out assistance and support in ending your battle with nicotine.Know Your Blood Pressure
A person with low blood pressure (about 115/75 mm Hg) is as much as 25 years biologically younger than a person with high blood pressure (greater than 160/90 mm Hg). Most grocery stores and drug stores now offer free blood pressure monitoring. If you discover your blood pressure is above 115/75 there are easy dietary and lifestyle practices you can implement to lower your blood pressure in no time at all. Email us to receive free advice on blood pressure reduction ( Stress
In highly stressful times, your biological age can be as much as 32 years older than you calendar age. Some stress you have control over and other stress you don't. Reduce the stress you have control over and for the stress you cannot control implement stress reducing techniques into your life such as deep breathing, yoga, exercise, relaxtion, socializing and having fun! As little as 5 minutes a day of deep breathing can help reduce your stress. You can contact us directly to receive a free 5-minute deep breathing exercise.
Be Active!
Even a small amount of exercise can make your calendar age nearly five years younger. Two 15 minute walks per day can make a dramatic difference in your health. Walking after dinner can aid in digestion, improve sleep cycles and greatly reduce stress. Increase Your Consumption of Fiber
Getting 25 grams of fiber per day in your diet increases the effectiveness of your digestion and greatly reduces the propensity for many chronic degenerative diseases. Fiber is found in the rough outer layer of most vegetables. Eating a good amount of your veggies raw gives you the amount of fiber you need to stay healthy.Monitor Your Health
There are proactive steps you can take to self-monitor your health. These include monitoring your blood pressure, your pH, your digestion/elimination, your weight (not neccessarily the numbers on the scale but knowing you are at your balanced weight), your sleep cycles, energy levels, your stress management and what it is you eat. These self monitoring techniques will be discussed in depth in an upcoming blog post. Staying on top of your health gives you the opportunity to know as soon as a minor imbalances begin, allowing you to restore balance before bigger health problems can take root.
Laugh a Lot
Laughter reduces stress, strengthens the immune system and can make your calendar age as much as eight years younger! It also makes your life alot happier! So get laughing!Reduce Exposure to Toxins
Each of us have at least 212 toxins lodged in our tissues and circulating throughout our blood (2009 CDC Report). Toxins enter our body through the water we drink, air we breathe, foods we eat and products we use. Toxins have many adverse and serious short and long term health effects. You can reduce your exposure to toxins by drinking filtered water, eating only organic foods, using only green products in and around your home including cleaning products and lawn care products, and by using orgainc body care and personal care products. Cleansing 2-3 times a year is also recommended to reduce your toxic burden. You can learn more about our Raw Food & Juice cleanse at www.rawvitalitycleanse.comIncrease your Consumption of Living Foods
Cooked foods have decreased nutrient levels including an absence of pure filtered plant water, oxygen, active enzymes and health balancing and regulating phytochemicals. Increasing the amount of raw (uncooked) foods in your diet increases the amount of all of these important nutrients increasing your health and longevity.
For a more Individualized approach to increasing your longevity contact our Holistic Health Practitioner and Holistic Nutritionist, Candice Marley.
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