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Friday, August 24, 2012

5 Easy Tips for Natural Weight Loss

Its amazing to learn that less then 5% of those who start a weight loss program keep it off for good! Well its no wonder with processed supplements, microwaveable meals, restrictive diet plans and cumbersome rules and systems.

Eating is meant to be pleasurable and enjoyable. The reasons we gain weight in this country are simple and straight forward. We eat nutrient deficient foods filled with toxins, refined sugars and unhealthy fats, have too many accumulated toxins, are far too acidic and don't eat enough fresh foods. We also eat at times and in ways that create a tremendous burden to our digestive system and sap all of our energy!

The way to find your naturally balanced weight is not by following a difficult and restrictive dieting plan, but simply by eating in a way that is nourishing and sustainable for your body. I have created a simple, straight forward approach to finding and living at your balanced weight, called Your Perfect Wight, which includes the following straight forward principals...

Tip 1: Address Nutrient Deficiencies

Recent studies show that most of the population is deficient in key nutrients. Even those who think they have healthy diets have been shown to be nutrient deficient. Deficiency creates an endless cycle of hunger and also translates into more fat storage. Processed, convenience and fast foods are depleted of nutrients. They are high in calories but low in nutrition. You can eat a ton of these types of foods and still feel hungry while storing everything as fat.

Tip 2: Increase Your Consumption of Fresh Foods

Fresh foods are nutrient dense. This means they have a ton of nutrients while being very low in calories. You can eat a small amount and feel full and satisfied because you are giving your body what it needs. Once your body's deficiencies are restored it will begin to let go of excess weight.

Tip 3: Remove Toxicity

Your body utilizes and will hold onto fat in order to trap, neutralize and store toxins. Toxins come into your body through your personal care products, conventional foods, the air you breathe and the water you drink. In fact the CDC estimates we each have more then 212 toxins stored in our tissues. The more toxins you have in your body, the more weight you will retain. By reducing the amount of accumulated toxins in your body, you reduce the amount of accumulated weight. Raw Vitality, a product of Align Holistic Health & Well Being, is the premier Raw Food & Juice Cleanse designed to powerfully remove toxins, restore balance to all areas of your body, increase energy, help you loose weight and implement healthy dietary and lifestyle practices that will last long beyond the period of cleansing. Go to www.rawvitalitycleanse.com for more information.

Tip 4: Balance Your pH

If your body is too acidic it will hold onto excess weight. Acidity is treated just like toxins by your body, utilizing fat to reduce the acidity. The typical American diet is highly acidic which contributes to heightened levels of internal acidity. Know your pH and engage in dietary and lifestyle practices that keep your body's pH balanced. You can contact us at alignholistichealth@gmail.com for a free pH test.

Tip 5: Improve Digestion

Digestion is the one process that takes the most energy from your body. When digestion is not optimal your body cannot absorb the nutrients you eat or get rid of the wastes and toxins that are harmful. You can improve your digestion by eating the appropriate foods in the right combinations at the right times, increasing your consumption of active enzymes and probiotics and decreasing the burden placed on your body by digestion.

By following these 5 easy tips you will be on your way to better health and Your Perfect Weight in no time. For individualized assistance or to learn more about our 12-week Holistic Weight Loss Journey Your Perfect Weight please visit our web site www.alignholistichealth.com or contact us directly at alignholistichealth@gmail.com

Candice Marley

Holistic Nutritionist, Holistic Health Practitioner, Master Herbalist & Healthy Lifestyle Coach

1 comment:

  1. Effectual tips on Natural weight loss for the perfect Health & Fitness which are more essential, Thanks for sharing.
