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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Common Foods for Detoxification

Detoxification is a normal part of your body's daily activity. We come into toxins on a daily basis through our environment, foods and by normal body metabolism. While it is important to reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals, foods and lifestyle practices, it is just as important to increase your body's ability to cleanse and detoxify efficiently and effectively. You want your body to be able to remove toxins as soon as they enter your body. This prevents toxins from accumulating in body tissues, organs and systems. Food IS your medicine and including foods and herbs into your daily diet that support your body's ability to detoxify properly is an easy and effective way to increase the purity and effectiveness of cleansing in your body.

Some common herbs and foods are great for detoxifying the body. Below we discuss the top food detoxifiers:


Ginger is rich in antioxidants and improves the function of the immune system. Adding slices of ginger or drinking ginger tea improves digestion and reduces inflammation in the body. Fresh ginger can be eaten right before or after a meal to aid in digestion. Digestion working effectively and optimally is one of the most important steps in cleansing the body. When digestion is slow or ineffective, food does not get digested all of the way and can enter the blood stream as toxins. Optimal digestion also ensures that all the nutrients in foods are broken down and distributed to all areas of the body increase overall health and vitality.


Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which aides in removing free radicals and boosting immune function. Lemons, once digested have an alkalizing effect on the body which helps to reduce acidic waste and balances the pH of the body. A balanced pH is a prime indicator of good cleansing function in the body and a low level of stored waste. The juice of fresh lemons in your morning water supports the liver in its function to flush toxins from the body.


Garlic is a powerful antioxidant and helps to keep the blood flowing smoothly. It is a powerful detoxification food and can be used to calm the digestive system, remove waste from the lungs and is a natural stimulant, which increases the effectiveness of detoxification throughout the body. Fresh garlic is the most potent and you will want to use within 15 minutes of cutting for maximum potency. 


Turmeric is one of nature's most powerful healers. Turmeric is a natural liver detoxifier, cancer preventer, aids in fat metabolism, helps in weight management, is a powerful body detoxifier and has a whole host of other health benefits one of which is the support of brain and nervous system function. Turmeric is a vibrant orange color and is what gives Curry its color. Turmeric can be used in a variety of dishes to add flavor and color. 


Cinnamon has a long list of health benefits one of which being a detoxifier. Cinnamon is helpful in treating colds, indigestion and cramps. It has also been used for years to improve energy, vitality and circulation.Cinnamon also aids the cardiovascular system, reduces cholesterol, lowers blood sugar levels and has anti fungal, antiviral and anti-cancer properties.


Dandelion speeds the removal of mucus and inflammation in the liver, intestines and gallbladder. Many in the West have gallbladder issues as well as poorly functioning livers. Dandelion is an easy remedy for both. Dandelion also detoxifies the blood and renal systems. The leaves can be purchased in the produce section of most natural food stores, when in season (Spring/Summer), and can be added to salads. They have a bitter taste so combine with sweeter leaves or flavors for a balanced taste. 

Green Tea

Green tea is one of nature's most powerful healing plants. The compounds in green tea have been found to reduce and help in the reversal of cancer, ease rheumatic symptoms, lower cholesterol levels and boost your immune system. Green tea is considered as one of the best fluids to drink for detoxification, as it nourishes and protects the liver, promotes weight loss and flushes out toxins from the body. Green tea is refreshing and revitalizing working to restore vitality to your body over time. From a cleansing perspective, green tea is a stimulant that assists the body in removing toxins. It is a great sub for your morning coffee and can give you the clean, clear energy you desire.


Fiber is one of the most lacking nutrients from the Western diet and that is because of the amount of processed and refined foods that we eat. Foods in their raw and natural state have an abundant supply of fiber. Fiber is needed for healthy digestion, cleansing of the colon and to absorb toxins in the digestive system. Fiber supports and improves digestive and cardiovascular health and aids in weight loss. Eat a good supply at least 50% of your diet of fresh, uncooked plant based foods. 

Regular cleansing and detoxification are important elements in living a long and healthy life. They are one of the most natural and oldest approaches to preventive medicine and the ability to increase strength, endurance, energy and inner vitality. Even for those wo have healthy dietary and lifestyle practices, the fact is we live in a toxic environment. Few of are left untouched by the effects of a busy, stressful lifestyle, packaged, processed and convenience foods, toxic body and household products, chemically treated water, dirty air and polluted soil.

Raw Vitality Cleanse

Undergoing a well structured, raw food and juice cleanse every 3-6 months is a good way to ensure the highest levels of health and vitality. Align Holistic Health & Well Being has created the premier raw food and juice holistic cleanse created to restore physical and mental performance, your health and natural, raw vitality. 

For more information or to order please visit our web site:

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