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Thursday, April 19, 2012

10 Tips to Beating Seasonal Allergies Naturally

26 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, while an estimated 50 million suffer from all types of allergies. One of the most annoying health symptoms you can experience is seasonal allergies. Runny eyes and noses, sneezing, coughing, troubles breathing, clogged airways, ichy everything are all a invariable nightmare! Allergy medications can help to suppress some seasonal allergy symptoms, but at the same time can come with many unwanted side effects including drowsiness and many don't seem to work at all. In fact, at a recent meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Dr. William E. Berger reported that nearly a third of allergy patients think their medications don’t work. Allergy medications also do nothing to actually heal the underlying cause of the allergic response in your body, which means long term, allergies can get worse or cause other health problems. To treat allergies naturally the root cause must be addressed and the root cause of seasonal allergies is not Spring plants or the dying of those plants in Fall, it also is not pesky pollen. The true cause lies within an imbalance in your nervous and immune systems. So that is exactly where the focus of treatment should be.

Seasonal allergies are caused by a hypersensitive nervous system and a dysfunctional immune system. Poor stress management, lack of rest, poor and inadequate nutrition, and an overly toxic internal environment, gradually creates both a hypersensitive nervous system and a dysfunctional immune system. Once this imbalance is created, seasonal allergies begin to show as surface symptoms. The focus in treating and reversing seasonal allergies is to focus on strengthening the immune system while at the same time balancing the nervous system.

Steps to Reversing Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Reversing seasonal allergies completely is possible with the guidance and direction of a knowledgeable holistic health practitioner, but there are some general steps you can take on your own to begin the process and reduce symptoms.

1. Eat Fresh Fruits & Vegetables - During the allergic response, oxidants in your system team up with histamines to attack the body, causing an allergic response. Carotenoids, a phytopigment (chemically active color) in plants defend against those oxidants. Food sources of carotenoids include carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, collard greens, papaya, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Fresh fruits and vegetables also help to flush the build up of toxins in the body. Choose organic produce to reduce your exposure to additional body harming toxins.

2. Stay Hydrated - Drinking water helps to flush toxins in the body, thins mucus and hydrates airway and nasal passages. Your body uses water to trap and rid itself of toxins, so more water is needed when toxin levels are high or allergy producing substances are floating around in the body. Drink more water during allergy season to help reduce symptoms.

3. Antioxidants - Antioxidants help to defend against oxidants which can trigger the allergic response as previous mentioned, but other specific antioxidants have been found to help eliminate or reduce seasonal allergy symptoms. Research shows that 800 mg of vitamin E helps to ease allergic symptoms. The antioxidant Quercitin helps to block the release of histamine. Quercitin is found naturally in apples and onions but supplementation during allergy season of 200-400 mg 3 times a day can also be helpful. 

4. Bromelain - Bromelain is a protein-digesting enzyme derived from pineapple stems. Quercitin and bromelain work synergistically to suppress the inflammation of allergic reactions in the body. Bromelain helps to increase the absorption of Quercitin, so take the two together.

5. Vitamin C - Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine. It prevents histamine release and increases the detoxification of histamine from the body. A 1992 study found that taking 2 grams Vitamin C daily lowered blood histamine levels by 38% in healthy adults in just one week. However, a single dose of Vitamin C failed to lower histamine levels, indicating that the antihistamine effect of Vitamin C requires regular ongoing use. Take a 1-2 grams 2 hours prior to exposure to any known allergens. For ongoing use, take 1 gram of Vitamin C for every decade you have been alive, daily.

6. Acupuncture - Acupuncture helps to boost the body's immune system by stimulating your natural defense response and energy. Studies have shown that regular acupuncture treatment significantly reduced allergy symptoms without any side effects.

7. Get Moving! - Exercise helps to strengthen your body's immune system and at the same time is necessary to move lymph. Lymph is an immune system fluid that helps collect unwanted materials for removal from the body but the lymph system does not have its own pump, so sits stagnate until muscular movement moves it. Exercise moves your body's muscles which in turn moves lymph out of the body, removing unwanted toxins, excess histamine and allergic irritants.

8. Probiotics - Probiotics are friendly bacteria in the gut and are intrinsically related to a healthy immune system. Probiotics are killed and naturally depleted in most bodies because of the high amount of antibiotics and toxic food additives circulating in our food system, all of which kill this friendly bacteria. A high quality probiotic supplement and eating only organic foods can help to replenish friendly bacteria and naturally strengthen the immune system.

9. Don't Shun the Sun - Sunlight is important to a healthy body and healthy immune system. Without it, our bodies lack vitamin D which is needed to regulate hormones and also for a strong immune system. Know your body and skin type and never allow your skin to burn, but do get some Sun exposure on bare skin each and every day. 

10. Living Juices - Living juices, juices that have not been processed, refined, or heated, remove toxins stored in tissues and cells, deeply hydrate the tissues and infuse the internal environment with the highest levels of Vitaimin C, antioxidants, oxygen, enzymes and vitamins and minerals. Juices specifically remove toxins from the insulating sheath that surrounds the nervous system, helping to calm and restore balance to an overly active nervous system.

These are some essential tips to helping end the cycle of seasonal allergies and heal the underlying root cause. For an individualized approach to reversing seasonal allergies for good, talk with our knowledgeable holistic health practitioner and make this the last season you suffer needlessly!

Align Holistic Health & Well Being, LLC

A Place Where Health is Transformed


  1. I am diagnosed with seasonal allergies and being researching about it and reading your blog, I found your post very helpful.

    1. Hello! Sorry, I just saw your comment. I am glad you find this information helpful. IF you need individualized help I offer a Free 30-minute consultation and holistic health exam. You can find more info at www.alignholistichealth.com. Let me know if I can be of assistance.
