
Expereince Life in Alignment!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Natural, Holistic Cleansing & Detoxification with Living Foods

Even if we follow the very best diet and lifestyle practices, we are living in a highly toxic and polluted world. Eating inorganic foods heavily laden with toxic chemicals, breathing air saturated with petro chemicals, drinking contaminated and chemically treated water, and living in stressful, unhealthy environments take a toll on our body, mind and spirit.

Cleansing is an important practice to periodically engage in to take care of our total health and wellbeing. It is a period of time designated and set aside to specifically to re-align our ways of eating, lifestyle practices, body rhythms and attention to self, with a way that is more healthful and healing to us personally. Each person's time of cleansing is a little bit different, and listening to what your body needs specifically is one of the most important elements to remain connected to doing the period of cleansing.

On the physical plane, health symptoms are what begin to appear when our body is internally out of balance. Toxicity and deficiency are the two root causes of all health issues. The human body is made to function at optimal levels of health at all times. The body isn't able to function as it should when it becomes too deficient in needed nutrients or becomes so overly toxic that essential processes cannot function as they should. When sickness, unwanted symptoms, low energy levels and weight issues begin to appear we know we have become deficient or too toxic. Living foods help to restore and correct both deficiency and toxicity at the cellular level. Living foods supply the body with the highest level of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and enzymes and at the same time flush, hydrate and alkalize the body, detoxifying and restoring balance to all physcial processes, while encouraging cells to release stored toxins and build healthy new cells.

Whether it is a small or large health symptom, one of the first holistic approaches to take in healing your body is to undergo a period of cleansing and detoxification. Eating living foods and drinking raw juices are the most important and effective elements in detoxifying and reversing deficiency.

If you are looking to heal, reverse health symptoms, experience more energy and establish healthy eating practices, living foods are your answer!

Come to our free upcoming talk with Candice Marley, Holistic Health Practitioner, Nutritionist & Raw Food Chef, on Living Foods and how they work to restore deficiency and cleanse the body of waste and toxins on a deep level.

Natural Cleansing & Detoxification with Living Foods Free Talk
Wednesday March 21, 2012 6:00pm
Coda Raw Food Kitchen - Downtown Denver
1245 E. Colfax Ave., Suite 301
Denver, CO 80218
There is no cost but RSVP is required!
Call 720-277-9124 or email codakitchenmidtown@gmail.com to reserve your place today


  1. Personally, I consider putting away bad thoughts a as a part of total cleansing and I wonder if this is mentioned among holistic clinics.

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